
Thursday, November 03, 2005

gang agley

I'm not sure if that's how one should spell agley, but it's the 'best laid plans' sort of thing....
why , oh, why do long-established bloggers, whom I have enjoyed reading for a longish time, suddenly start to try their hands at soft porn?
Why, I whine pathetically, does Humanist Zinnia try to retell her life in a softcore format, instead of those rather sweet funeral stories she used to regale us with?
Now Gert is at it, like a rabbit, with Placido Domingo her unknowing co-star. It's enough to put me right off my muesli.
Who will be next, I wonder? Will Tony will cease his meanderings about words he has found in the dictionary and arcane texts he has found online and begin Mills and Boon style drivel? Oh, Tony, don't do it!


  • At 2:08 AM, Blogger Tony said…

    Meanderings? Meanderings?. Impertinent child! I shall immediately start a series of posts featuring extreme filth of one kind or another, just to punish you.
    Have you noticed that most soft porn sites are created by women?


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