
Thursday, February 22, 2007

It's all too much

All this fuss - I think I have to have a little lie-down until I recover myself.
I have the € and I shall get the medal next week, but before then I have to get some work done and find myself in some difficulty.
I blame all the praise - I'm not used to it.
However,I'm taking a break from the diary until I get myself sorted.

Friday, February 09, 2007

I am honoured

The admin at College has kicked into life this week, with a vengeance. Maybe it's because their new building extension seems to be finished and is partially occupied by people sitting at desks and presumably working. Sending daily letters to me, it seems.
The fences finally came down, then the wire-screens and now the only traces of the builders left are a good number of broken and cracked paving stones left where their heavy machinery stood. They did replace some of these, but it appears their time must have run out and they simply abandoned the site, taking machinery, cabins, Portaloos and a great deal of rubbish with them - well, it was almost a year in the doing (or destroying). A good bit of greenery has also been lost as a result of the building and a few extra parking spaces created in what used to be a thicket where a very tame albino blackbird lived.
Anyway,this week I have been receiving almost daily letters from the college, telling me of the various prizes which I have been awarded,to the point that I became quite hysterical with giggles the other night,having heard earlier in the day that my Christmas exams went very well indeed,I got home to read that I was to be awarded a Gold Medal - as well as the previously mentioned cash prize.
This morning, they wrote to remind me that I have been awarded another small award, the cheque for which I received (and spent) months ago. I have now received THREE letters, each inviting me to an awards ceremony (in 3 week's time), although I still do not know the time or details of this ceremony.
I know of two other people going to this ceremony; one has the cash and one the Gold Medal (this must always be capitalised),but this is the first time I ever heard of getting both, giving a friend of mine the chance to assure me that I would not receive both and there must have been a mistake. (Maybe I will arrive there and they will throw bags of flour at me.)
Well, after all - I have not yet received the large cheque - although I have spent more than half of it already, so the phrase: "they'll have to prise it from my cold, dead hand" rose to my lips, but was not uttered.
Better say nothing until I am holding both cheque and Gold Medal and if I have any hands free, I can raise a cheerful digit in her direction.
Or, who knows, by next week maybe they will be offering me a new refrigerator, or even, a Brand New Car!!!

Friday, February 02, 2007

upup and away

Yes, I SHALL be going to California,although I hope I get a better reception than my dear one gave me on hearing that I had booked a 3-week stay - shall we say, a little cool...
If I shell out over €600 on the cheapest flights I could find,I am not going to stay for just a long weekend,but I am wondering,how will her house-mates relate to my staying at the house? I shall have to find some alternatives when I get there.
The decider was that I shall be collecting my cash prize after all;it's only taken 7 months or so,to tell me so. And I shall be presented with a scroll with all the pomp and fol-de-rol,it just is happening rather late in the year, with all the admin cock-ups,etc.
By this time,I am really more concerned with the non-appearance of exam results, when all about us have them,or at least, word of when they might be handed down from on high.
I would love to see the theory essay marked, but doubt that we will be allowed to see them. They are being double-marked at present,apparently,but tough other departments discuss the results with students, we shall not be so privileged.