
Monday, May 29, 2006

Blood from a turnip

I have managed to extract a little more information about the filming job. It seems it is not a film as such, but an American television series about the Tudors, so himself is prancing about in tights and doublet, as well as sporting the little van Dyck beard that makes him look like a playing card when he stands still.
It is being shot in Kilmainham, North Dublin and due to the unseasonably cold, windy weather we have been experiencing, hasn't been much fun, what with standing around for up to 7 hours in tights.
I don't know who is making it or if there are any 'names' starring. I am not allowed to ask too many questions at one time.
The girl is in a drama of her own, vanishing for days on end without so much as a 'phone call....
As for me, I am trying to find a cheap flight to Crete, so I can mooch around the Royal palaces for a few weeks, beyond the reach of the wretched offspring and recover my spirits, still in the doldrums. Lots of boring stuff to do before any escape can be realised however, and I am presently drearily taking care of business, one thing at a time.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Extra! Extra! (2)

I started a post about the boy having a job as an extra in a movieeee, which is wonderful because it is only the second time I have ever known him to have paid employment, but I didn't have time to finish it so sent it to drafts and it seems to have vanished. Since I started, I'll try to finish by recovering it from my own addled brain.

He had to grow a beard for the part, which he hates. The last time I saw him I thought he looked rather dapper. He told me the film people had trimmed it to make him look more French. I do hope it isn't a porn movie. Anyway, thank goodness he didn't look as bad as Euan Blair, who has the misfortune to have inherited his mother's sad-puppy eyes and his father's weak-mouthed grin. (Must learn how to do link, so I can nick other people's stuff, especially other people's flowers' stuff).

I feel fed up, exhausted and low, aching from a bit of physical exercise after the months of inactivity. I do want to get fit again, amd I know I will feel better when I am, but why does it have to hurt more each year?

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Finished! No glorious sense of rayonnance, but now I have to morph myself into a normal person once again, from the curious persona which I have inhabited for at least, the last month.
How foul exams are! - no relation to education, they reduced me to a prize poodle, but unfortunately, one that didn't perform very well on the day. Or any of the days on which performance was required.
The first exam found me suffering from acute tonsillitis and on antibiotics, which upset my stomach. A disastrous effort, followed by another, scarcely better. As the week progressed, followed by yet another, I improved only slightly in the quality of my regurgitations. Tricks refused to work, plans collapsed and my memory failed me. No excuses, my papers stank. I shall be too ashamed to look certain people in the eye this summer, but I shall probably scrape through on aggregate, coursework included. If not, the tedious business will be repeated in August and, although I hate to admit it, I could probably use the practice.
So, to circle from square, here I come.....if only the weather would co-operate.

p.s. Where's my colour gone? I like to colour my text, but lack skills via html, so I rely on the quick icons, but now I'm offered only spell-check, bolding and links. Oh well, I'll have to be plain. Maybe I'll get in some links by and by.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Then why am I here in Dublin?

You Belong in Paris

You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris.
You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I'm sick

Ill that is, not just sick and tired of revising all the hours, but actually, on antibiotics, SICK. The very worst timing for aching and spitting up muck and droopy eyes, sweating and chilled at the same time, miserable. And yes, I am still trying to work, although I'm not sure what is penetrating my poor addled brain.
Exams start Tuesday and continue for 12 agonising days.