
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Woke up this morning

Got up, no fuss, -- is that my cold doubling back on me? I am just getting over my first ailment of the winter...It wasn't until I noticed the weird hush in spite of bright sunshine, that I remembered a) it was Sunday and b) it was that Sunday where you have an 'extra' hour, haha, well I was already up, so much for that...

Then I remembered the OTHER thing about today, which is that it is the Last Day Ever for the brilliant series, The Sopranos.
So now I have the theme music rattling around my brain for the day (woke up this morning, Boom Boom in my eye...{What???}.....Get myself a gun...), when what I should be doing is considering the differences between the artistic climate of Amsterdam and Antwerp in the seventeenth century.

Of course I know the ending AND all the fuss in America {buncha babies}about it, but I sympathised with their disguised grief, because I know I shall be missing it too.
I wonder if I will ever get to see the couple of episodes I missed from this last little half-season we had; here is a series I would appreciate repeated.

It's going to be a long winter.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Roller coaster

Feeling alternately good about course and completely overwhelmed by amount of reading and essay writing...which ought to be reasonably straightforward by now, but for some reason isn't. I write and rewrite and then rewrite again, unable to stay absolutely en point. Why is this so?
The recycling truck company have decided that this neighbourhood is not worth visiting any more, as we are not 'responsive enough'. The truth is, they reduced visits and made them so irregular and unpredictable that people started paying for the kerbside bags rather than try to get out to the truck on the once-a-month, 45- minute-long visits. The problem for me is that they won't take milk or juice cartons - or glass, which is understandable - in the kerbside collection bags. It's a very long haul for me to the nearest recycling center or needs a begged lift from a friend, not easy to come by, especially as it is closed most of the weekend - another user-unfriendly design flaw.
Crisp autumn is here and with it the daily firework explosions from the dear neighbour's garden. I am actually looking forward to the bonfires this year as I hope to get rid of my pile of broken-up and rotten ex-porch timber, which is still cluttering up my back garden, with rusty nails waiting to snag the unwary. I still haven't done all the shrub removal and bulb planting that should have been done by now. Maybe this weekend...