
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Woke up this morning

Got up, no fuss, -- is that my cold doubling back on me? I am just getting over my first ailment of the winter...It wasn't until I noticed the weird hush in spite of bright sunshine, that I remembered a) it was Sunday and b) it was that Sunday where you have an 'extra' hour, haha, well I was already up, so much for that...

Then I remembered the OTHER thing about today, which is that it is the Last Day Ever for the brilliant series, The Sopranos.
So now I have the theme music rattling around my brain for the day (woke up this morning, Boom Boom in my eye...{What???}.....Get myself a gun...), when what I should be doing is considering the differences between the artistic climate of Amsterdam and Antwerp in the seventeenth century.

Of course I know the ending AND all the fuss in America {buncha babies}about it, but I sympathised with their disguised grief, because I know I shall be missing it too.
I wonder if I will ever get to see the couple of episodes I missed from this last little half-season we had; here is a series I would appreciate repeated.

It's going to be a long winter.


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