
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Now where was I?

....When I was interrupted yesterday, I was in mid-rant combining a feeling of nostalgia with a righteous anger about a feeling that the country in which I was born, has been co-opted by a cabal who have created a police state.
I believed that Britain was democratic, more so than the other countries I visited over the years.
Until Maggie the Hen, the first of the Big Liars. Then I swore that I would never return to live in England until she was gone. When she was finally defenestrated, it still got no better. When Blair was elected, I considered coming back, but the timing wasn't good for me or my children's education.
A year or 2 down the line, I was glad of that. Since then, I have watched in horror as conditions of democracy and freedom have deteriorated.
I feel for England; when will an intelligent liberal (note small 'l'; I love it that American politicians instinctively distrust the word) step foward into the yawning breach that is the state of British politics?


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