
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Fun and games

In the March flurries of snow, workmen are building a pen across the plaza in front of the Arts Building. What will they do - pen us in or pen us out? Or could it be just another device to stop us coalescing in big groups and storming across the campus? It may be an apocryphal story, but I heard thet is why the various sets of steps were set up across that area, back in the 60s, when the authorities were last worried about that sort of thing.
Or possibly, they need to extend the Admin building, to cope with all the extra work (and staff needed) to administer the new Modularisation programme. (Program is really how that should be spelt, but I can't quite bring myself to write American, when I live in a nominally English-speaking country).
Yes, I do feel Bolshie today! Must be the weather...


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