
Monday, March 05, 2007

and now----back to work.

Phew! I feel much more comfortable now. I have drifted to earth, landing with a little bump, as I realised that the Medal is not GOLD(you fool) but solid silver, which is quite acceptable - but where on earth did I get the idea it was Gold? I have looked back at the letters and nary a mention was made of whatever metal it is, so I am mystified where I got the idea...
Offspring backed out of attending the ceremony at the last moment, but my oldest friend came to support me so it was all very pleasant, with plaudits for all.
There was my daughter's best friend picking up a scholar's certificate too, with her mother in attendance, which made me feel really old, since she is younger than me. It is really set up for student's parents anyway,of course. Mind you, there were post-graduate scholarship winners and others as well as the really young ones.
The new crop of undergraduates - the ones on Modular degrees, seemed to be all female, so maybe that system suits them better, because most of our year were male. Not that I would want to be sexist or anything.
The Lord on-High Pooh-Ba had to go and ruin the grace of the proceedings by criticising his deputy's pronunciation of Latinin his speech at the close of the ceremony. Quite unnecessary - that man has no manners. Goodness knows what the parents made of it.
The food and wine afterwards was all very civilised and we were serenaded by a trio, who looked rather bored, especially the cornettist.
I then managed to disgrace myself by throwing wine all over a poor guy's trousers, which lowered the tone a bit, but he was very gracious about the wine splashed all over his groin - and I wasn't drunk really - it was just my hors d'oeuvre unexpectedly fell apart and I tried to catch it...oh well.


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