
Friday, December 22, 2006

sick and sicker

Three weeks of utter crap, and now it's Christmas. First I worked on my theory essay,then I stopped and started revising for my Mod Arch exam. Halfway through that week, I started a cold, but had no option but to soldier on. I was slightly better by the time I had to turn up, Saturday, to the exam barn, which fortunately was nice and warm.
I took the exam; not brilliant but done and done. Quick trip to the library to trade in books and regroup to essay mode. Sunday: decided to have a rest day. Not feeling great. Monday: had to force myself to work and feel worse. Coughing all night. Tuesday: unable to get out of bed. Call doctor, appointment in 6 hours. Kind friend gets me to surgery, doc not concerned, gives antibiotics, but no painkillers. I can hardly move. I am on my feet 18 hours later, back at the computer, with a head full of mush. Books I need are at the Library, 15 miles away. It is very cold; I do without. Eventually, I make the word limit with 18 hours to spare, go in to Library, speed-read, do corrections, mess with footnotes for 4 hours and deliver the essay with 45 minutes to spare.
Feel wrecked. Go shopping for food and see other people who have spent the whole week doing nothing but shop,- for presents, food, decorations, booze whatever, while I have been cooped up, working and being sick,exam-ing and being even sicker.
Now I am free to enjoy myself like everyone else and I'm too tired to enjoy the feeling.
At least I've had a good moan here. No one else has any sympathy at all.


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