
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Thanks to the memory

I spent the month of August trying to complete all the appointments I needed so that I would not be hassled during term time when they would inevitably coincide with a lecture that is important not to miss. I tried but failed to get my teeth seen to - I shall have to wait until mid-January for that, when it will inevitably clash with our return to term.
I did manage to get my eyes checked and buy new glasses - or really replacements for the ones I left on the aeroplane/aercoach home.
All month I searched, when I remembered, for my appointment card from the Diabetes clinic. I was sure it would turn up, but after a particularly thorough search, I had to admit it had been lost somewhen over the summer when I was changing wallets and currencies so frequently or when I was clearing out my cupboards it had been mistakenly chucked away. I was not urgently concerned, because I was pretty certain that the appointment was in October or even November, but I had not written it down anywhere and I needed to know when I should start my extra-low cholesterol diet - (I know, I know, but I am determined not to go on statins).
Finally, giving up hope of finding it, I remembered (after another longish while) to telephone the hospital Out-Patient department.

*ring* No appointment written here; you must speak to the Diabetes centre.
*ring* You missed your appointment, it was on 16 August.

While I was at the Lucian Freud show, I should have been at the clinic, patiently waiting my turn, having got my blood tests done the previous Monday week.
How I could have forgotten that I thought I would be extra clever and move my appointment forward from its usual autumn spot.
Also,for some unknown reason I did not enter it in any of my diaries.
So now I have to reschedule and it will be early December, with an end of November lab appointment. Worst of all, it will be a full fasting work-up at the lab, with cholesterol and liver function tests, the whole 9 yards instead of the relatively light work-up which I would have had in August.
The punishment of an inefficient memory.
I blame the drugs.


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