
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Season of death and examinations

It goes on; I can't remember another pre-Christmas like it. I'm not counting but word comes of a fellow mature student killed in a house fire. This is the 3rd local death by house fire within 10 days that I know of. Also, death by air-bag, friend of friend, and several other serious car accidents.
The running over of a young mother by a huge truck rolling back over her, in front of a High Street full of horrified Christmas shoppers, was perhaps the worst of all of all for traumatic impact over the greatest number, but we are only at 13th December.
The last 2 years have seen huge tragedies occurring right after Christmas in far-flung parts, having international impact. Not this year, please, I keep thinking. I'm feeling nervous and not too jolly, at the same time telling myself "Pull yourself together and stop feeling so paranoid".
The weather: perfect. My work: finished for now, although the huge pile of reading awaits, as always. This time next year I may be unable to think of anything except exams
, being in the thick of them, or else they being imminent. I know people who have exams this year on 21st December at 6 PM!! Isn't that the height of cruel and unusual punishment? This year I am merely sympathetic; next year: it could be me. If I survive that long......


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