
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving, Amricah!

I will try to refrain from saying anything unAmerican today, in honour, sorry, honor, of the holiday.
I had not really forgotten but when chatting to a Californian friend at crack of dawn today, she, about to retire to bed reminded me that when she woke up, it would be Thanksgiving. The lovely Susan had just had a day off from her cold-calling job, because nothing enrages Americans more than a call, the day before Thanksgiving, when they are all, every last one, rushing about like blue-arsed flies, trying to get all their preparations done, asking them whether they might be interested in some life insurance, or whatever it is that she is pushing.
I have to admit, I've never asked her what it is that she sells, or attempts to sell, but she is a good talker. She can talk the hind leg off a donkey. Fact. When I finally got off the instant Messenger, I had to check. They were still both there.
We discussed thanking one's lucky stars - well, what else can you discuss, the day before? She isn't well off, has NO insurance, pension, husband, partner, children, so we were searching around. Life is tough in the US of A for people in her, no, I am not starting, a promise is a promise.
But - I'm just saying....... we had to think a while.
When I wake up it will be "Buy Nothing Day" - or is that over there? Anyway, I went shopping today, bought bus tickets and groceries, so I won't need to tomorrow.
But unfortunately, I may not get the chance to do anything much tomorrow, because I have a summons to appear in court. I'm really hoping that I don't have to spend all day sitting there at the courthouse, waiting for a case that will almost certainly be adjourned. Tonight I watched "Bleak House", in preparation, but I learnt nothing from this particular episode about the ways of the Law. I will be truly Thankful tomorrow evening, when this travail is, at least temporarily, over.


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