
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Unbirthday blues

My birthday has been and gone, fairly unremarked by most. I did get one present, from a friend who didn't even know that it was my birthday.
I am trying to go quickly but thoroughly through all my revision and realise that it can't be done. The week-long hiatus in our 'Spring break' where I had to do a field-trip with a bunch of new work attached, has put me behind and I could never make it up after the break, with further lectures and fresh work piling on top.
So I am going to have to plan strategically, which doesn't suit my 'anal' (according to daughter #1) way of working and try to figure out which topics are bound to appear in some form and which can be skimmed.
Fortunately, this year's exam papers are laid out in such a way that large chunks of the course could be ignored, IF you are a good poker player and are willing to take chances.......
Trouble is, I am neither, see above. So it is nerve-racking, even more than usual.
Oh, and the spectre of Christmas exams has raised its ugly little head again. Just when we thought we were safe, it seems the authorities have gone behind our backs and have in fact, modularised everthing that isn't nailed down - and there is doubt over even the exam issue. They are not supposed to force exams on us, but no democratic vote has taken place and I hear one school at least is planning to impose exams at Christmas.
Just wait until my exams are over-----until then, life as I know it is on hold.


  • At 2:12 AM, Blogger Tony said…

    If only I'd known.....
    Anyway, a belated Many Happy Returns.

  • At 8:30 AM, Blogger Tony said…

    And another thing...
    I don't understand why, when you have a nice interesting blog, it attracts so few comments apart from spam.
    Do you delete them all?

  • At 3:13 PM, Blogger ruth said…

    Belated thanks for your kind wishes, Tony.
    I don't get comments because I'm not linked to any other blogs. I don't even get spam; I suppose there might be a connection between those facts.
    It really is just a diary, so I can remember a few of the trials and tribulations of this year and next.


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