
Saturday, August 12, 2006

On not being at a London Airport

I have been fortunate recently. I had been worrying guiltily about my carbon footprints stomping all over my usually good green credentials, because I have taken 8 short flights this summer but I am very glad that I didn't find myself trying to go through an English airport this week.
I would have been stymied for that quick change I had to perform at Southampton, unless the aeroplane to Guernsey had been delayed too, but it sounds as if the short hop flights had no reason to be delayed - which doesn't mean they would not be.

I felt so sorry for people trying to go on a week's holiday, who were comprehensively buggered; even the weather is not really co-operating by having turned cool again. A week in the garden being the alternative 'destination'. Might be cheaper .....maybe it will set off a trend of people deciding to take British holidays in future, but Brit accommodation is so expensive, and food, dining in restaurants, entertainment, everything in fact so that many people could not afford a holiday at 'home'.

I really did not relish taking 8 flights when only 4 were needed but fewer and fewer flights direct to Europe seem to be available on the discount airlines. Ryanair may have started here but we have precious few useful direct flights, so endless trips transiting British airports are required. 'Point to point destination' means paying more, queing more, few transits of baggage and lots more stress.
Not as much as would have been generated if any of the 'terrorist' plots outlined had occurred. I notice that many reserved judgement, as a result of previous police (and government) bungles and lies, which have frayed public trust in the initial stories which are fed to the press.

Who would give credence to any of the accusations of the Americans in charge of Guantanamo? Or the organisations who managed the whole de Menezes tragedy/cover-up?
There already seem to be inconsistencies - such as the statement that 'maximum murder' was planned, but the aircraft were to be blown up over the ocean ---? when it is obvious that explosions and crashed aircraft over crowded cities would cause far more death, destruction and trauma be more likely to be seen on television, too. Al Qaeda are nothing if not media-savvy and that part of the story seems quite ludicrous.
Doubtless these men had their stories beaten out of them; time was of the essence, after all. They may have concocted stupid parts of the story in order to throw doubt on their confessions later, but the police reported them as fact. Was this wise?
However, the police are not noted for that quality.


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