
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

boo-hoo, what's a girl to do?

with wall-to-wall work and everytime I look round, ballots are being held to see if it can't be made worse.
'Unanimous'. what's in a word? Can it be made to mean 'majority rules'.
No time to eat, sleep or live any kind of life....not since junior doctors had their hours cut, have people been asked to work so intensely. What can you be doing? people ask. A Phd in a year? no, a simple degree now requires 25,000 essay-words to be delivered in 11 weeks, plus all the rest of it, the continuous CONTINUAL testing and assessment, so before you can possibly have located a book from the HOPELESS library (Example: one copy of a text book for several hundred students who all need it NOW)you are supposed to have read it and prepared yourself for testing, between the moments when you have read and prepared another 2,000 or 3,000 word essay, between the instants when you have memorised 50 slides for more tests and written a few catalogue entries, visited galleries, sites, buildings, attended lectures and meetings, seminars, tutorials, extra duties as social directors for especially endangered species of student, ie. mature, disabled or poor, etc etc, et-bloody-cetera.
There, there, that's better... this may be my last blog for a while, I'm going down down.....or into deep hiding, or away.... Did I mention Christmas exams? - to be imposed after all the promises to the contrary? Well, it remains to be seen; calling in the Union guns to do their job. This is a battle we can't take on alone.
Whoever thought getting an education would be such a battle, just to be allowed to complete a simple degree? What an innocent I was 2 years ago.


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