
Wednesday, September 19, 2007


A deep tiredness has already set in, which is a little disheartening since we have been back only one and a half weeks. It is something to do with the long and noisy commutes on buses which seem to have reverted to the old and smelliest possible.
If I travel from town, I will probably get a seat all the way although this is not guaranteed. Catching the bus from college around 5 o'clock one is pretty sure of having to ride at the back of the bus, hot, diesel-fumed and crowded. Since I am weighted down with books and papers, this is no fun. By the time I have disembarked to do a little 'speedy' shopping at the grocery store where they are remodelling,- with the result that even the staff do not know where anything is to be found, as it all changes on a daily basis - and got back on the bus to go home, my commute time is drawing out to more than a couple of hours.
Each 2-hour lecture requires 8-10 hours of reading preparation, which might be acceptable but soon I must face the start of writing 3000-word essays, with all the specialised reading that entails. Then there have been all the non-academic, logistic and admin hurdles to be jumped, most of which have now been achieved. No grant as yet, for any of us - they will probably not arrive until October, or even later for new students. I wonder if I am classified as a new student?
Money is very low now and it is hard to stop buying books, especially for new modules that have few books available in the library or reading room. I have bought eight or nine in the last week, but have started selling my archaeology books. Next will be the steel-toed their box.


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