
Thursday, August 24, 2006

I am not a terrorist

In spite of having visited Afghanistan and Iran (twice each) and Lebanon and Syria and Morocco(twice)and Algeria and Tunisia, I am not a terrorist.
Now I am wondering if I could be guilty of 'possessing articles useful to a person preparing terrorism' under the new anti-terrorism acts.
I own a map of Afghanistan.
I also own a map of Tibet, where it is labelled as such, not 'People's autonomous area of China'. I daresay that would be enough for the Chinese authorities to imprison me were I living in China.
As far as I know, I am not in possession of any suicide notes or wills of anyone else. Hey, I haven't even got around to making a will myself; it's one of those things I keep meaning to do and feel guilty about not having done occasionally, but I don't think procrastination is illegal yet.


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