
Friday, February 01, 2008

I go to the Bank at 10 AM

When I re-read this entry,
I had to add this image.

I had to lodge a rather
large cheque, -
by my standards, and as it
was the second such in
several weeks, I decided to do
so in person and check
that the first cheque had
reached its destination
from the Quick-Lodge,
or, possibly,
drop, where I left it. I was offered a statement - since I won't be due one for another month, the cheapskates. I accepted. 'It will show all in- and out-goings since your last statement in November' she said. 'Great' I said, forgetting that I particularly wanted to check that my earnings from exam invigilation had been paid into the account on Thursday, as promised by the college.
It was only on the bus later, as I looked at the 3-page-long statement (sobering reading), that I realised that it went up to 14 January only, so although I was relieved to see my grant was in there, my earnings and today's prize money, did not appear.
I don't know when I will find the time to go to the bank again, so I will have to wait until my March statement, I suppose. It is difficult to go to the Bank early, or very late in the day since it shortens my work day so severely, but if I go at other times, I may have to queue for 30 minutes. I should set up Internet banking but would it help with lodgements; I don't see how it could.
It is all so boring, but better than having no money at all. This money has to last me a longish time and pay for all the Venice trip upfront because that will not be reimbursed until the summer.
I am still better off than I used to be, so - no complaints this time.



  • At 1:29 AM, Blogger Tony said…

    Oh come, Ruth, you could be much more boring than that if you really tried.
    I speak as an expert.

  • At 7:24 AM, Blogger Tony said…

    "Would it help with lodgements?"

    If you mean paying in CASH and you have to do this often, then I can see that you have to go to the bank. But for paying in anything else, any bank, internet or other, will give you Freepost envelopes.

    All High Street banks are crap. I haven't entered one for thirty years, and I have never had a deposit go astray. Do you really go and QUEUE there?


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