
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing St Stephen

We had a delicious haunch of venison with gorgeous yummy gravy with a good French red wine which I hadn't heard of before, with brussels sprouts - tradition innit? - and organic leeks and steamed Golden Wonder potatoes. I then had cranberries and yogurt but my friend declined.
Then we watched a film about Che and his friend taking a motorcycle trip through South America and getting radicalised en route. It was odd to compare it to the Long Way Down with Ewan McGregor, a Scot and Charlie Boorman who is just so Dutch. They were both pretty lightweight compared to the Argentines. Different times and different aims of course. I like Gabriel Garcia Bernal - he is a really appealing actor.
We went for champagne over to the Big House - I felt like a poor relation of the poor relation, weird. R made some odd comment about lefties not knowing anything about wine and I nearly retorted about champagne socialists, then he got on even more dangerous ground talking about drink driving. We soon left. Now they are back making so much money I think they have become coarser and more capitalistic but I suppose everyone who is on the right side of the property market and the jobs/careers side of things is increasingly separated from those who are the have-nots by any criteria.
I wish I need not meet anyone at all really but this antisocial behaviour seems unlikely to be allowed free rein, given my choice of research.
I read a little of John Evelyn's diary but this may not help at all if I set the start date at 1700. I wish I could sort myself out; I am still all over the place and it isn't helped by the fact I have promised to house-sit over New Year.
I see this time of reading and contemplation being eroded further. I am not at ease with myself. La Donna called and suggested I should research Islamic garden influence; it seemed impossible to explain that I would like to and had considered it but thought it too difficult to find an Irish connection. If I do manage to do so in the future, she will now insist on the credit for it!


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