
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Ok OK Happy New Year

Yes I'm back with a whole new list of gripes, mainly that I can see that thanks to horrible male offspring, who refuses to allow me proper and sufficient access to my own computer, which hasn't enough space on it for the 2 of us anyway, I shall have to spend €1000 on a new laptop. Or one that isn't tethered to a monitor and proper keyboard, pretending that it is a desktop, anyway. I really had not wanted to put out big money on something which I would not need were HMO NOT living here, etc. Take standard rant as read.
New digital camera is still not out of the box yet as no adaptor to charge battery yet. I am sure HMO has one but no luck so far in getting it off him. And there is no way I can download pix onto overcrammed computer w/o his assistance in removing a few of his (no doubt) offensive programs off the thing. Hence my gripe at the beginning. We are really on each other's nerves at present and it aint gonna get better any time soon.
Caught up with all my fave blogs this morning when I should already have been hard at work, (got up specially early to be sure of catching mailman or parcelman bearing books long overdue, but they didn't come today either... a bit worrying) to catch up. I got back a day later than expected due to friend not appearing until after dark on these pitifully short days.
Arranged tentatively to go down to old Grange place to examine fishpond next week if weather at all decent. Hope Wednesday as Tuesday already booked for Nat Gall viewing of Francis place drawings, possibly followed by visit to Chester B to see Japanese prints and catch up with another ex-colleague and friend there. Monday I should really prepare for viewing or I am bound to make a fool of myself. All rather too much together for me but now time starts to fly and before I am at all ready for it, I'll be back at the College and head down for more stuff.
So No New Year Resolutions needed as obviously it will be all I can do to keep my head above water...


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