
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

enjoying the space

Time and space are wonderful concepts and I am enjoying to the full, the freedom of researching without the constraints that develop through a lengthy project, enmeshing and trapping many of the wilder flights of fancy.
It helps that I have discovered material which I had studied superficially before and discarded for one reason or another and other stuff which I had ignored through pressure of time and in the interests of sticking to a word count.
I don't know why I was so exercised about that word count, since several people who got marks as good as, or better, than mine, seriously exceeded it. Anyway, I should not be bitter, since I managed to get a 1st and ended up in first place.
Another year, another medal - and maybe, a further scholarship, nobody has told me yet. Three in a row should look good on the applications for funding.
I intend to tag along for a 4-day trip to Amsterdam and Antwerp in December, which is all the MA students get this year. I still haven't met any of this very small and select group this year. It should be fun - if cold - because there will be absolutely no pressure on the part of the ex-MA students. I just hope that the current crop don't resent us for that freedom.


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